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segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011


Here are some of the topics and grammar points that can be reviewed. Do you know them all ? Choose the correct answers. If you have problems with any of the grammar points. Ask your teacher that he can explained and do the exercises. Then try this Language Review test again.

1. Global warming is not a problem for the future. It ....................... now.
 a) happen           b) happens            c) is happening
2. The pollution that is causing global warming ............... from human activity.
 a) come              b) coming              c) comes
3. Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. They ................. their entire lives on Antarctic ice and its waters.
 a) are spending   b) spend                c) spends
4. Emperor penguins ..................... leave Antarctica.
 a) always           b) often                  c) never
5. Trees .................. the air. On the contrary, they ............ it.
 a) pollute / clean   b) do not pollute / clean   c) pollute; do not clean
6. Trees take in water from the ground and carbon dioxide from the air, converting these materials into food for their use and ............ .
 a) our               b) your               c) ours
7. ......... you think the Mata Atlantica  .................... a future?
 a) Does / have    b) Do / has       c) Are / is
8. ......... the name Mata Atlântica .................. something special to you ?
 a) Does / mean   b) Do / means   c) Does / means
9. Alberto Santos Dumont ................ in Paris where he ............... his name as a pioneer of aviaion.
 a) lived / made    b) lives / makes    c) is living / is making
10. Santos-Dumont ............ his 14-Bis in 1906.
  a) build           b) builds        c) built
11. Mozart changed the world with his eternal music, but he .............. a happy life.
 a) doesn´t live   b) don´t live     c) didn´t live
12. Mozart ....................... more than 600 compositions of beautiful music.
 a) is writing       b) writes    c) wrote
13. With the internet, planet Earth is now a really small world. ...... you live without it?
  a) Does           b) Are       c) Can
14. I want to ............. do something about that problem.
  a) can             b) be able to        c) cannot
15. Domestic robots ................ become quite common in the future.
  a) will             b) are going          c) are
16. You .................. to read a text about some incredible machines. What do you think it is going to be about?
  a) will            b) are going           c) going
17. It´s cold in here. ............. close the window ?
 a) shall I         b) It´s going           c) It will
18. A friend is a present you give ...................  ( Robert Louis Stevenson)
  a) yourself     b) myself               c) himself
19. Australians .................. their meat consumption habits. That´s a possibility.
  a) are changing     b) may change    c) will change
20. Kangaroos are considered pests by Australian farmers. Those animals .......... crops and pastures.
  a) destroys          b) destroy            c) destroying
21. Too much eating is not healthy. You ................... eat to live. You ............... live to eat.
  a) must / must not    b) must not / must      c) may / can
22. .......... eat jua) nk food. ............. smoke. ................ drink alcohol. ............. drink soft drinks.
  a) Didn´´t          b) Doesn´t      c) Don´t
23. ......................... . If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
  a) Learn             b) Learns       c) Don´t learn
24. That book tells you what you ............. do to lead a happy life.
  a) ought             b) won´t         c) should
25. Bananas ................ be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!
  a) must              b) can             c) will
26. A banana a day ............... the doctor away.
  a) keep             b) keeping       c) keeps
27. Americans enjoy one of the most luxurious lifestyles on Earth: Our food is plentiful. Our work is automoted. Our leisure is effortless. And it´s killing ........... .
  a) we      b) they          c) us
28.  You ............. lose weight. Everybody ........... You are perfectly capable of doing it.
  a) can / can        b) may / may         c) must / must
29. You ............. starve yourself to lose weight. That´s not necessary.
  a) must not        b) will not          c) don´t have to
30. I know I ................ eat junk food, but when I see a bag of potato chips I simply ,,,,,,,,,,,,, resist temptation!
  a) must / can       b) should ; may not        c) mustn´t / can´t

8 comentários:

Stefanny disse...

Professor,essa ideia foi muito boa. Tudo fica mais facil e mais rapido de aprender.
A materia é facil de enteder.
Vou mandar as minhas respostas.

1- "c" is happening
2- "c" comes
3- "a" are speding
4- "a" always
5- "b" do not pollute/clean
6- "c" ours
7- "b" do/has
8- "b" do/means
9- "a" lived/made
10-"a" build
11-"b" don't live
12-"b" writes
13-"c" can
14-"b" be ables to
15-"a" will
16-"c" going
17-"b" it's going
18-"a" yourself
19-"a" are changing
20-"a" drestroys
21-"c" may/can
22-"c" don't
23-"a" learn

Pronto,mandei algumas respostas... as outras eu mando quando chegar em casa,porque da 24 para o fim eu não coloquei a letra.
Valeu prof.

Stefanny Mayara - 3° ano "12"

micarla disse...

I enjoyed the classroom!!!!!! Class 12 and us in the area

MORAIS disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
MORAIS disse...

Olá, Stephanny Mayara 3º ano 12. De 23 questões você acertou 12. Parabéns pela praticidade . Vamos avançar.

rafael disse...

a atividede, esta respondida, e traduzida.

rafael disse...

esta no meu caderno, sala 08, noturno

hallison disse...

COMENTÁRIO; Achei muito criativa, mais precisa ser nmais exercitado. Boa noite
Alunos; Patricia Alessandra
Hallison jackdalison Pessoa silva
Francisco Bune
Série; 3 ano
turma; 10

Emmerson Siqueira disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.